On the river off course

With the project "Oh, ha, yes! on the river off course", we want to reinvent the stretch of the Volturno river that goes from the Caricchiano di Cancello and Arnone Oasis to the Variconi Oasis of Castel Volturno, transforming it into a place of exchange, learning, usable and eco-sustainable. _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Encourage the involvement of the people of the River, the "historic inhabitants" (repositories of a collective memory which is, for reasons of age, slowly disappearing), the young population and the foreign population (which today represents 15.6% of the resident population in Castel Volturno and 10.9% of the resident population in Cancello and Arnone.) in creative regeneration processes aimed at strengthening the socio-cultural dynamics of participatory growth, improving the quality of life and local economies.
We have summarized everything in four phases which, in succession, will give us the opportunity to understand
the ultimate goal of the project: