On the river off course
Redrawing of psychogeographic boundaries
Maria Giovanna Abbate in collaboration with TAM TAM BASKETBALL

During the explorations along the river, the presence emerged among the various waste transported by the current, of numerous footballs, a constant that occurs throughout the year, some of which have been recovered. The idea is to transform what has been rejected into a reason for sharing through the game, involving the players in a useless action, that of throwing the ball as high as possible towards any target. Skyhook is an attempt to restore a new image of an area, that of Castel Volturno, through those who live there and fight daily for their rights. The ball suspended in the air, like the current political situation of the lower Volturno, but tending towards the sky, just as I look at it from the boys of the tam tam basketball team. Participating in the Action: Opificio Puca center for contemporary art, the Odv sentinels, tam tam basketball, Costa di Licolae reserve body and Falciano with the patronage of the municipality of Castel Volturno.
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Miho Tanaka
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BEFORE IT FACE DARK is an artistic action conceived by Miho Tanaka, visual artist, born following various explorations in the Bagnara area, for years in full hydrogeological instability, due to coastal erosion and the destruction of numerous bathing establishments located close of the coast. An apocalyptic suggestion that appears today as the failure of an ancient dream, that of the coast of Bagnara, a tourist pearl of Campania.
Miho Tanaka chose for her performance the terrace of a lido that no longer exists, "Ex Lido Ditella", almost completely collapsed and immersed in the sea. Starting from Naples with her medlar plant, on the afternoon of Saturday 8 October, and then living there until the following morning, giving life to an uninterrupted performance that saw her converse alone with the place. The very act of living is for Tanaka a possibility to give life to that dream.
“It's true, all real, that place doesn't lie the truth.
I convinced myself without delay.
Edit before hearing does not suit me.
I want to hear it
And make it a dream of mine.
As you have already made me feel.”
Charles Menal
photo credits Francesco Capasso
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Il luogo designato per l'intervento è Bagnara frazione di Castel Volturno, CE ,posto che per molti anni, sopravvive al fenomeno dell' erosione della costa, disastro ecogeologico, che vede il mare risalire la spiagge fino ad arrivare alle case che come dei relitti si ergono dal mare. RIPASCIMENTO consiste nell’azione “Inutile” di spostare la sabbia verso il mare. Gesto che praticamente rasenta la follia ma che ideologicamente si rispecchia con la forza e la determinazione della gente del posto che nonostante tutto continua a resistere.