On the river off course
On the river off course
With the project “Oh Ah Si! on the river off course, we wanted to return right to the river to be able to imagine the community of the future, transforming it into a place of exchange and sharing, through the active involvement of the people of the River. The attempt is to extend the fantastic area of art to the community of those who live it, practice it, in an open and participatory dialogue. The project is located in a devastated and abandoned area with social drift, in the area that goes from the municipality of Cancello and Arnone to the municipality of Castel Volturno, along the 10 km of the Volturno River that connects the two municipalities, a route that starts from Oasis of Caricchiano di Cancello and Arnone to the right of the Volturno river and ends at the Variconi Oasis of Castel Volturno on the left of the river. Oh, Ah, Yes! on the river off course is an artistic and cultural platform based on interdisciplinarity and cooperation, a community of artists and activists who, in the name of a shared artistic practice, without renouncing individual creative identities, observed reality closely, through imagination, and interpreted it through knowledge. Convinced of the ethical rather than aesthetic responsibility of art and its social power, capable of triggering minimal but significant revolutions.

Landscape transformations
«The landscape is that part of the territory, as it is perceived by the populations, whose character
derives from the action of natural and/or human factors and their interrelationships». Article 1. -
European Landscape Convention (Florence 20 October 2000).
For many centuries, the changes have been local and gradual and rarely have all the structural components of a landscape present in a certain time completely disappeared. Indeed, it is precisely these components that sometimes take on such a distinct and precise character and identity as to be identified with the Genius Loci of a place, or with the set of characteristics proper to an environment in close connection with man, his history and its habits, which coincides with the cultural identity of a territory.